Tyler's Basketball

Home Up Elite United Holly Hoops Holly Bronchos


    Welcome to the home page for all of Tyler's 2013 basketball activities. Unfortunately Tyler wasn't able to play with the 8th grade team this year. Although he didn't make the cut, he did work out with the team in the roll of team assistant. In an effort to keep improving his basketball skills, with the aim of making the 9th grade team, Tyler has joined the Elite United basketball team for the spring season. He will also be playing in the Holly Hoops Basketball summer program once again (he did so last summer as well). More information will be coming on that is it is received. Enjoy!

  • Elite United - Click here for all of the information regarding time with the Elite United basketball team.
  • Holly Hoops - Go here to find out all of the importation information about the Holly Hoops basketball program.
  • Holly Bronchos - Follow this link for information and photos of Tyler's freshman basketball season.


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