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March 31st, 2014              

    Here are some more pictures from our visit to the Harland Sanders Museum and Café for lunch...

Harland Sanders Museum and Café

Jayden thought that Tyler was amusing with his nose picking antics.

Jay and Samantha with the Colonel Sanders statue.

The still lustful Tyler along with Jayden, who was sitting on Colonel Sanders lap.

Rodney with Colonel Sanders.

Drew replicating his dad's pose with the colonel.

A closer look at Drew with Colonel Sanders.

Always looking up to his big brother, Drew had to take a moment to pick Colonel Sanders nose as well.

Some KFC memorabilia. I tried to get them to honor the $3.95 for a 15 piece bucket, but the employees weren't having any of it.

Another look at the diorama of the Sanders Café and Sanders Court along with the surrounding neighborhood at the time.

An old Kentucky Fried Chicken advertisement.

A replica of Colonel Sanders office.

A look inside at Colonel Sanders kitchen.

The sign describing the kitchen.

Another look inside the kitchen.

This sign describes a typical motel room at the Sanders Court.

The room featured a nice bed and dresser... well as a sink and shower...

...and a toilet in the back.

It also came with a payphone.

A wider look at the motel room.

Please click here for page three of the photos


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