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August 31st, 2014              

    Here are the remainder of our annual family photos on the rocks in front of the bridge at the Bridge View Park...

Mackinac Bridge View Park

Tyler, Jayden, Drew, and Samantha trying to get into position for a picture.

The final shot of Tyler, Jay, Drew, and Sam.

Tyler giving his best model-pose laying across the rocks.

Tara & Rodney posing for their picture together.

Tara making sure her hair is perfect for the next shot.

Tara & Rod looking into each others eyes.

Tara & Rod sneaking in a little kiss.

Gary & Terry posing together for a picture.

Sam and Jay reenacting the "King of the World" scene from Titanic.

    After taking our family photos at the Mackinac Bridge View Park in St. Ignace, Tara & I took the kids north to Tahquamenon Falls to play in the water and explore the falls. I suppose I should technically say that Tyler took us, since he was the one who drove both ways - how scary is that thought! He did great though, so I suppose I shouldn't say anything more about it.

Tahquamenon Falls State Park

A sign upon the entrance to the trail to the falls.

Samantha, Tara, and Drew making their way down the boardwalk.

The "Prayer of the Woods."

Our first view of the falls.

A cairn in the middle of the river.

Tyler, Sam, and Jayden sitting on the falls.

Tyler, Drew, Sam, Jay, and Rodney making their way towards a waterfall.

Tara's feet under the water - what the kids call "Cheetoh's feet."

Tyler, Sam, Jay, Drew, and Rod in the waterfall.

Tyler approaching the fall.

Another picture of Rod and the kids near the waterfall.

Please click here for page three of the photos


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