January Snowstorm

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January 5th, 2014              

    The first major snowstorm of 2014 hit with a vengeance on January 5th, and it left us with a healthy amount of snow. These pictures were taken between the two major snowfalls we received that day, so they do not show the full depth of the snow. The snow was followed up by a deep freeze, with lows near -13 degrees and single digit highs for a couple of days afterward. Needless to say the kids (and Tara) got a couple of extra days tacked on to their winter breaks this year!

January 5th Snowfall

A look out the back door out onto the deck and the back yard.

The front yard.

The turn-around/flagpoles area wound up buried in snow (the piles were to the top of the fence following the second shoveling of the day).

A look across the road at the snow-covered trees.

Another look across the road.

Looking south down our street.

Looking north on our street.

A look at the house.

We are in the lower right of the larger 15-18" area, and we got every bit of that snow!


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