Mother's Day

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May 11th, 2014              

    The kids did a great job celebrating Mother's Day for Tara this year. (Me? Not so much.) Jayden made a nice book at school to give to her mom, while Samantha found a board in the garage the she and Jay painted up nicely. Sam also made up a booklet for Tara, which was both touching and funny. Not wanting to be outdone, Tyler planned a nice breakfast for Tara at a French cafe, with Drew as the waiter. Upon waking in the morning, we were greeted by a fireside table at the cafe, complete with menus in both French and English. The boys made omelets, toast, and bacon for the entire family, along with milk, lemonade, or water for drinks. They even dressed up, wearing bow ties and sporting mustaches to complete the effect. All in all it was a great morning... thanks for making it special for your Mom, kids! Love you all!

Mother's Day Celebration

Jayden, Samantha, and Tara seated at their fireside table at the French cafe for breakfast.

Drew showing off his newly grown mustache.

Tara loved reading the book that Jayden made for her at school.

Tara giving Jay a thank you kiss after reading the book.

Tara was surprised that Samantha had also made a book for her.

Tara got a little choked up reading Sam's book...

...and a hug from Sam helped calm her down.

Tara was also surprised to see the painting that the girls made for her.

Each of the girls put their hand prints on their painting while wishing Tara a Happy Mother's Day.

Jay was having a good time, laughing at Tara's jokes.

Tara getting ready to dig into her breakfast, compliments of Chef Tyler and his wait staff of Drew.

Drew and Tyler posing by the fire.

A closer look at Drew and Tyler in their bow ties sporting facial hair.

    Later in the day, after Samantha's soccer game, we wandered around downtown Ann Arbor for a few minutes before stopping to eat. Here are a couple of sights from our walk.

Ann Arbor

Samantha, Tara, Jayden, Drew, and Tyler wandering the streets of Ann Arbor.

Look... a motorized truck parked on the street.

Wait... what's this? A Transformer?

Sure enough, a street performer dressed as a Transformer. In truck mode he even drove around in circles!


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