Game 3 - vs. Mid Michigan Elite MESA Momentum 01
Samantha controlling the ball and looking for a pass.
Sam going after the ball along the sideline.
Sam changing direction with the ball...
...and trying to drive past the defenders.
Sam lining up a corner kick...
...and watching the follow through.
Sam dribbling the ball down the field.
Sam fighting for the ball along the sideline.
Sam slowing the ball down while keeping it from a defender.
Samantha getting her hands on the ball in net.
Sam watching as a penalty kick heads her way.
Sam kicking the ball away down the field...
...and watching as it heads towards her teammates.
Sam grabbing a shot from the side of the net.
Sam leaping high in the air to knock the ball up and away from
the net.
Sam going to the ground to make a save.
Sam kicking the ball away after making a save.