U13 Blue Game 7 - LCSC 02 Meteors
Samantha doing her best to block a pass from an opposing player.
Sam knocking down the ball...
...before settling it down at her feet...
...and kicking it away.
Sam dribbling the ball down the field.
Sam sitting on the sideline during a break in the game.
Sam running down the field.
Sam stopping the ball with her foot along the sideline.
Sam lining up a shot...
...and kicking it away.
Sam waiting for an inbounds throw.
Sam stopping the ball...
...and making a move on a defender.
Sam battling for a loose ball.
Sam lining up a long pass.
Sam taking a long distance shot.
Sam kicking the ball from the corner.
Sam making a move along the sideline.
Samantha watching the action unfold across the field.
Sam dribbling the ball down the field.
Sam taking a push from a defender.
Sam stopping the ball...
...and making a pass.
Sam making a move along the far sideline with the ball.