Game 5

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November 25th, 2014              

    Samantha and her Holly Bronchos teammates went to Grand Blanc East to take on their team, and once again it wasn't a pretty battle. While they did manage to win one the middle of the three games, there wasn't much of a feeling that they were going to win the third game to secure a victory today. The girls continue to struggle with communication, as they often look at each other as the ball falls between players. Serving is also a struggle - they will go on a good streak and win several points in a row, then they will have several serves fall short of the net, resulting in points for the opposing team.

Bronchos Game 5 - vs. Grand Blanc East Middle School

Samantha hitting the ball into the air for her teammates to knock over the net.

Sam waiting for the serve to come her way.

Sam setting the ball for her teammates.

Sam ready for the Grand Blanc team to serve the ball.

Sam hitting the ball into the air.

Sam going up for the ball.

Sam jumping up once again...

...and spiking the ball.


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