Warren Dunes

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August 23rd, 2014              

    After missing the group trip to the Warren Dunes State Park last year due to a scheduling conflict, we once again loaded up the family to make the drive. We were tagging along with three other dune-veteran families for this trip, the Landwerlen's, the Gramer's, and the Ramsey's. Samantha was the only one of our family who didn't join us, as she chose to spend the night camping with a friend instead. We left home a little after 7:30am for the long 3+ hour drive to the park. It was a good thing that we arrived early, however, as we were able to pick out a nice spot on the beach to set up our base for the day. It wasn't long before swarms of people began to crowd in around us.

    One of the highlights of the day came after we ate lunch. We made the climb up Tower Hill, the 240' tall hill that greeted us across the parking lot. From the top of the hill we made our way to a small creek that ran through the dunes and out into Lake Michigan south of where we had set up for the day. This little walk was a lot of fun, as the kids had fun covering themselves in mud "paint" for the duration of the hike. Towards the end of our walk we came upon a smaller sand dune, which the kids opted to climb up and run back down and into the creek.

    After our walk we opted to spend some more time on the beach so that the adults could relax and the kids could play in the water some more. The weather was beginning to look a little iffy, so we decided to pack up, and we left the park around 5:00pm. A quick stop as a group at Steak And Shake (I'm sure that they'd be thrilled if we didn't come back!) for dinner and then it was time to head home.

All in all it was a very fun day, one that we look forward to going again next summer! Until then, enjoy the pictures...

Warren Dunes State Park

Several members of our group making their way into the cold Lake Michigan water.

Drew building a sandcastle with his friends Nick and Tevin.

A little fellow keeping an eye on our food supply.

Erin and Jayden buried in the sand.

Jay climbing out of her sand pile.

Jay covered in sand after getting up.

Jason, Jay, and Erin in the water.

Drew floating through the water.

Our group relaxing on the beach with the dunes in the background.

Several members of the group out in the water.

The kids playing on the beach, with Drew and Jay in the middle.

A look out at the gray skies over Lake Michigan.

Drew checking out the bottom of the lake...

...before surfacing for a picture.

A look at the crowds that gathered after we settled in to a nearly empty beach.

Dani and Jay playing on the beach.

Drew trying to avoid having his picture taken.

Tara wasn't happy to have her picture taken either...

Please click here for page two of the photos


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