Michigan Impact Indoor Game 8 - vs. Force FC 00/01 White
Samantha fighting off a defender in pursuit of the ball.
A close-up of Sam during a break in the action.
Sam gaining control of the ball in front of a defender.
Sam waiting for the ball to be thrown in from the sideline.
Sam battling a defender while the ball heads down the field.
Sam racing down the field after the ball.
Sam gaining control of the ball...
...and racing down the field...
...while outracing a defender.
Sam using her body to shield the ball...
...and turning it around while helping on defense.
Sam with the ball while a defender tries to cover her.
Sam dribbling the ball before...
...lining up a pass ahead to a teammate.
The final score of tonight's second game showed a 1-0 victory
for their second win of the season!