Game 14

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December 3rd, 2015              

    There isn't too many photos from this game since it was a complete wash out. When we began the game it was a light mist and the girls seemed to play well through the slick field. As the game progressed the rain came down at a greater rate of speed, making for a very wet turf and while also making it very hard to see the action for all of the players. At one point, I noticed the goalie getting pelted in the face with rain as she tried to save goals. At the half, Venice was up by a 4-2 margin, and the rain had made the game miserable with water logged field. Huge puddles slowed or or downright stopped the play. Girls from both teams were struggling to make passes, though the Venice girls managed to lock in one more goal before the refs called the game 2 minutes into the second half. The made the final score 5-2 in favor of Venice, against Palmetto. After the game was over, the girls decided to go sliding through the field and many rain puddles. They were filthy but enjoying themselves!

Venice Indians Varsity Soccer Game 14 - vs. Palmetto High School

Samantha fighting through the rain to head towards the ball.

Sam using her head to knock down the ball.

Sam dribbling the ball between two defenders...

...and making the pass to a teammate.

Sam hustling back to help on defense.


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