HLL Rookie League Baseball Mega Coney Island Game 1 - vs.
Wilkinson Auto Repair
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Jayden in the field playing second base.
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Jay was ready to crack the bat while at the plate tonight.
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Jay trying to outrace an opposing runner to second base...
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...where she successfully beat him there for the out.
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Jay wasn't able to outrun the base runner while playing second
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Jay at second base once again.
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Jay throwing the ball to the pitcher from the shortstop
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Jay smiling before taking her at-bat.
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Jay getting ready to swing for the fences...
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...while knocking the ball out into the field...
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...and then racing to first base...
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...to get the congratulatory high five from the base coach.
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Jay waiting to run while standing at second base.
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Jay racing to third base...
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...and coming in safely...
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...for another high five.
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Jay racing home...
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...where she managed to score one of her teams two runs on the
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Jay playing the outfield.
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Jay at the plate one again, looking for another hit.