Holly Red AYSO Game 7 - at FC Fusion U8
Jayden in position, waiting for the game to get under way.
Jay dribbling the ball towards the net.
Jay getting a foot on the ball.
Jay making herself big while chasing down the ball.
Jay turning the ball around.
Jay racing after the ball.
Jay kicking the ball.
Jay taking a rest during a break in the action.
Jay challenging a group of players (most of them her teammates)
for the ball.
A close-up of Jayden on the field.
Jay using the side of her foot to control the ball.
Jay outrunning an opposing player to the ball.
Jay trying to run the ball down along the sideline.
Jay watching the action take place across the field.
Jayden celebrating her goal!
Jay turning the ball...
...and dribbling down the field with it.
Jay was all determination as she challenged an opposing player
for the ball.
Jay trying to beat the boys to the ball...
...and getting their first.
Jay dribbling down the field once again.