July 18th

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July 18th, 2015              

    Long ago Tara & I began making plans to take the family to Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, when Carlos was in town for his visit. This became a little more difficult to make happen once Tara took her job in Florida, but we were indeed able to do it once she flew into town for the weekend. We made the drive into Niagara Falls on Saturday, and headed to our hotel to check in. The pictures below are from our hotel...

Embassy Suites Falls View

A look at the Horseshoe Falls from the hotel room.

A look at the American Falls from the hotel room.

Looking up at the hotel from the pool balcony.

    Time to check out the sights and sounds of Niagara Falls!

Sights from Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Our view out the front window of the Niagara Falls Funiculars.

Carlos look out the window as the other car of the Funicular passes by on our way down the hillside.

Looking back at the Niagara Falls Funiculars with our hotel in the background.

A look at some of the various hotels on top of the hill...

...with the Embassy Suites that we are staying at on the right.

Finally, the sight we have all been waiting for - Horseshoe Falls!

Looking up the Niagara River.

Another shot of the Horseshoe Falls.

A look at a scow stuck in the Niagara River.

Samantha, Jayden, Carlos, Tyler, and Drew standing together in front of the falls.

A look at the Horseshoe Falls and the American Falls.

Another look at the Horseshoe Falls.

Looking down at the abandoned Ontario Power Company’s generating station built in 1905.

Rodney & Tara posing together in front of the falls.

Rodney & Tara sharing a moment together.

A rainbow formed by the mist of the falls.

The Horseshoe Falls.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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