'05 Lapeer Storm Game 16 - at Jackson B&M
Drew moving towards the puck after a faceoff.
Drew looking for a pass in front of the net.
Drew fighting for the puck along the boards.
Drew looking for the puck as his shot was kicked aside by the
B&M goalie.
Drew chasing after the puck in the corner.
Drew in position on a faceoff.
Drew playing the puck with his feet.
Drew colliding with a kid behind the goal...
...before knocking him down.
Drew lining up a shot in front of the goal...
...and taking the shot...
...that trickled just wide.
Drew battling for position in front of the net...
...before finally knocking the opposing player down. They both
ended up in the penalty box for the aggressive play.
Drew moving the puck ahead from the side boards.
The final score was all Jackson B&M, as they took today's game
by a score of 8-2.
Drew going through the handshake line.