Holly Bronchos Game 12 - vs. Fenton High School
Samantha making a pass ahead to a teammate.
Sam colliding with an opposing player in a battle for the ball.
Sam dribbling the ball down the field.
Sam going up for a header...
...and making contact with the ball.
Sam kicking the ball as a defender closes in from behind.
Sam fighting off a hold while going for the ball.
Sam trying to hide behind the corner flag!
Sam lining up a corner kick...
...and taking aim at the ball...
...and sending it towards the goal.
Sam colliding with a Fenton player.
Sam dribbling with the ball...
...and turning it around.
Sam getting her foot on the ball...
...and sending it down the field to her teammates.
Sam getting her foot in the way to deflect a Fenton pass.
Sam stepping in for a steal while taking a forearm to the
...and getting her foot on the ball...
...and knocking the ball away.
Samantha keeping her eye on the ball.
Sam preparing for a direct kick...
...and stepping towards the ball...
...and taking aim before sending it to her teammates.
Sam reaching out for the ball.
Sam dribbling the ball down the field.
Sam settling the ball down to make a pass ahead to her teammate.
Sam moving the ball along the sideline.
Sam dribbling the ball.
Sam and two of her teammates talking during an injury timeout.
The referee asking the girls how to handle the resumption of
Sam getting down into a defensive position...
...before making the opposing player change directions...
...while continuing to chase after the ball...
...and trying to hold the Fenton player back.
The final score today was 3-1, with Holly on the short end of
the outcome.