HHS Snowcoming Dance

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January 27th, 2018            

This weekend marked the time for the annual Holly High School Snowcoming Dance, and this year Samantha went with a group of friends from school (her boyfriend Derek was in Michigan just after Christmas, making it impossible to return so early for the dance). Below are some of the pictures from before the girls left for the dance...


Holly High School Snowcoming Dance

Sarah, Ashlyn, Samantha, Mariah, Lexie, Emily, Maya, Jayden, Gabbi, and Haliegh ready for the Holly High School Snowcoming Dance.

Another picture of the girls.

The girls turned for another group photo.

The group of girls turned for a group photo.

Another shot of Sarah, Ashlyn, Sam, Mariah, Lexie, Emily, Maya, Jayden, Gabbi, and Haliegh.

Mariah and Samantha posing together for a picture before the dance.

A close-up of Mariah and Sam.

Samantha posing for a picture with her sister Jayden.

Jay and Sam once again.

Jayden, Emily, and Sam posing together.

Emily and Sam.

Mariah, Lexie, and Sam.

Sam and Maya.

Gabbi and Sam.

Sarah and Sam.

Jayden and Sam.

Haleigh and Samantha.


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