June 12th

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June 12th, 2018              

After a relatively peaceful night sleeping (helped in part thanks to the cool weather outside that kept the cabin cool), it was time to wake up and head off to breakfast. Like most of the meals we experience at camp, today's breakfast wasn't much to brag about. We were handed our tray with scrambled eggs on a taco shell with shredded cheese to add on if we chose, as well as some cubed potatoes (that were already cold). There were other options available, the option to have cereal or hard boiled eggs was available, in addition to water, orange juice, and milk to drink. They even had chocolate milk, but it turned out that the expiration date on them was already a few days past...


Breakfast at the Dining Hall

Ahh, the classic egg taco. If only the cheese could have been smuggled out for yesterday's tacos... Oh, and who could forget the cold potatoes?

This morning's activity was the High Ropes, which involved the kids wearing a safety belt and ropes and walking amongst the trees between 40 and 60 feet in the air. Each of the kids was partnered up with a "shadow" whose job it was to follow them along the ground and make sure that the person in the trees made the right moves. The person who was up in the tree also had to ask for permission from an instructor before making any moves or changing their ropes to ensure their safety. I think this would have been a very fun activity to take part in, and although I may have been allowed to had I asked, I decided that I would rather stay on the ground and take pictures of the kids. Jayden really breezed through her part of the course, but she got caught up behind two other climbers and didn't end up making it as far as Tyler or Samantha did during their time here, but she did all of the obstacles that she encountered without hesitation. She did a great job, I am really proud of her!


High Ropes

Jayden, Marissa, and the rest of her group listening to the instructors pass along safety advice and some words of wisdom. Each of the kids are really encouraged to take one step past their comfort zone in this activity.

A look at the high ropes course.

The kids getting their harnesses on.

Marissa and Jay looking at the course.

Jay tightening her harness.

Marissa and Jay ready to go!

The kids waiting to go up!

Jay listening to a counselor before making the trip up the ladder.

Jay reaching the platform at the top of the ladder...

...and stepping off for the first obstacle.

Jay with both feet of the platform...

...as she makes her way across the ropes.

Another couple shots of Jayden making her way across the ropes...


Jay landing after successfully jumping between platforms.

Jay getting ready to step from the platform onto the swings...

...and going from swing to swing...

...before getting close to the next platform.

Jay trapped on a platform with two other high ropers.

Jay starting off on the swinging ladder...

...and making her way across...

...while having to step over the missing boards.

Jay giving a thumbs up after having a great time!

Although I neglected to take a picture of the outside of Jayden's cabin, I did get one of my cabin...


DeRoy Village

The outside of boys cabin 1.

Following a bit of downtime after we finished the High Ropes, it was time to go see what was on the menu for lunch. Today we ate "pizza" and some kind of fruit or vegetable salad thing that neither Jayden or I touched. The pizza was somewhat edible, appearing slightly better than what it looked like during Tyler's camping trip.


Lunch at the Dining Hall

This is what the pizza looked like. Yum!

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