14UA Florida Jr. Everblades Game #13 - at Palm Beach Breakers
Drew gaining control off the puck in his defensive zone.
Drew passing across the ice to a teammate.
Drew protecting the area in front of the net.
Drew making his way down the ice.
Drew passing the puck once again.
Drew playing the puck behind the net.
Drew taking a shot but still managing to get the pass of.
Drew protecting the front of the net.
Drew skating back with the puck.
Drew in position during a faceoff.
Drew carrying the puck up the ice.
Drew stopping the puck at center ice...
...and looking to make a pass.
Drew battling for position...
...while playing the puck...
...then watching the action as his opponent gets up off the ice.
Drew playing the puck near center ice.
Drew with the puck as the opposition applies pressure.
Drew intercepting the puck and skating away from his goal...
...as an opposing player wipes out trying to keep up.
Drew using his reach to knock the puck away.
Drew trying to keep the net-front area clear...
...and battling with a Breakers player for the puck...
...and knocking it away...
...before playing it away from the net.
Drew keeping an eye on the action.
Drew skating down the ice.
Drew trying to block a shot using his body.
Drew taking control of the puck...
...before turning and looking to make a pass.
Drew poking the puck away from a Breakers player.
Late in the game Drew shifted to offense in an attempt to...
...screen the goaltender from getting a good luck at the puck...
...and hopefully get a rebound to tap into the net.
Drew chasing after the puck.
Drew back in front of the net...
...battling for position, taking hits...
...but not budging.
The final score was Breakers 1, Jr. Everblades 0.
Drew and his teammates making their way through the post-game
handshake line.