Gingerbread Houses

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December 25th, 2020            

This year Tara decided to try something new - a gingerbread house competition. Since we didn't plan this very early in the season, we were unable to locate any "pre-fab" kits in the store, so we were forced to make our own gingerbread house parts. Tara worked diligently to make enough side, front, and back walls, along with roof pieces for 5 houses. She also bought all kind of decorations to use during our competition.

When we sat down to decorate our houses none of use really had much of an idea about what we were doing, but each of us started to formulate a plan as we started working.

For the record, we didn't do much of an official poll in the house, but an informal blind tally on Tara's Facebook left her standing in the #1 position. Congratulations Tara!


Gingerbread House Competition

Samantha working on sealing up the seams on her house.

Jayden working on putting the parts of her house together.

Drew icing the joints on his house.

Drew, Jay, and Sam working on their designs.

Tara putting the icing on her house.

Tara and Rodney working on their houses.

Poor Sam's house collapsed during construction before she could officially finish.

Jay... well, she's the creative one. She made her very own gingerbread strip club!

Drew's house came fully landscaped as well.

Rodney went for the gingerbread camper.

Tara's house in progress.

Another look at Rod's camper.

Drew posing with his house.

Sam taking a gingerbread house selfie.

Another Sam selfie.

Tara still working hard on her house.

Jay's strip club...

Another look at Jay's gingerbread house.

Jasper was uninterested in our work and instead hung out by himself on the couch.

A few look at Drew's house, complete with outdoor hockey rink...


A couple pictures of Rodney's camper...


And who could forget Jayden's strip club!?!

...complete with strippers pole!


Tara went the traditional route with her house.

Sam's was looking good before the natural disaster struck it down.

One last look as Tara wraps up her yardwork.


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