RVHS Graduation

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Wednesday, May 31st, 2023              

Things are starting to get real... this afternoon is graduation day number three for the family, with Drew finally getting his turn. Not only is this graduation number three, but high school number three as well. Drew got to walk across the stage with nearly 650 of his fellow Riverview High School classmates at the Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall. Drew worked hard to get to the point where he could tolerate a bit of "senioritis" and still graduate with honors. Tara and I had to fight back a few tears realizing that we only have one more of these to deal with. A big congratulations to Drew today, as he takes one more step towards adulthood. We love you with all of our heart, and are proud of the young man you have become!

2023 Riverview High School Graduation Ceremony


Interesting tidbit about today's graduation location - the Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall was the first home of the Tampa Bay Lightning during the 1992-93 season.


Drew and his classmates...


...making their way into the Expo Hall...


...and towards their seats.


Drew at his seat looking for his family in the crowd...


...before finally spotting us.


Some of the district staff on stage during the ceremony.


Drew giving a fist bump to...


...Mr. Finch (Drew and Jayden's favorite teacher)...


....and Mrs. Gould.


Drew making his way up to the stage...


...while waiting for his name to be called.


Drew making his way across the stage...


...before shaking the hand of the principle, Mr. Spiro...


...and a board member...


...and getting a fist bump from the district superintendant.


Drew making his way off of the stage...


...but giving the "Peters Family Salute" as he makes his exit...


Drew making his way back to his seat...


...but giving us a smile as he does...


Drew laughing with his classmates at their seats.


Drew moving his tassle from one side of his cap to the other, signifying his official graduation.


Drew and his classmates making their way out of the hall...


Drew giving the "Peters Family Salute" while standing outside the Expo Hall..


...and a Google-fied color-pop version.


Instead of fighting the massive crowds trying to take pictures at the Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall grounds, we decided to head back home to take pictures there. We stopped at the Panther Trace pool area. Unfortunately the weather wasn't entirely cooperative, as the afternoon rain came in, causing us to wrap things up just a little earlier than we would have liked. We managed to get some good pictures despite the weather, so please enjoy them!

2023 Riverview High School Graduation - Family Pictures


Drew posing for pictures with Grandma Gail and Grandpa Jerry...


Drew taking pictures with Grandma Terry and Grandpa Gary...


Drew getting pictures with his Mom & Dad...


...as Tara & Rodney stand by his side...


The four siblings together again (brings a tear to my eye) - Jayden, Samantha, Drew, and Tyler...


Tyler's girlfriend Rose joining the picture with Jay, Sam, Drew, and Tyler.


Although the rain was starting to get a little heavier, we still managed to squeeze in a couple of family photos...


After dropping Rose off at the airport so that she could return to Michigan for her graduate program classes we all met up at Texas Roadhouse for a celebration dinner. We had a kids table and an adult table, and we all enjoyed being together.

A special thank you to Grandpa Jerry & Grandma Gail for coming in from Arizona, Tara and Tyler (and Rose, even though she couldn't stay for dinner) for coming down from Michigan, and Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry and Samantha for coming up from Sarasota to join us in celebrating Drew's special day!


Family Graduation Dinner


A sneak shot of Samantha, Tyler, Drew, and Jayden as the talk while waiting for dinner.


The kids posing for a picture...


...before they decided to sneak in their own version of...


...the the "Peters Family Salute"...





A shot of Tara as she tries to avoid having her picture taken.



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