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Friday, December 30th, 2016

    Last update before the new year...

Monday, December 16th, 2016

    Sneaking in a quick update before the new year...

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016

    As long as I've been doing this website I've come to realize that I do enjoy documenting the history of our family. I've also known that basically nobody ever checks it, so I have decided not to update it again for a while. Maybe I'll find the motivation again in the future, but then again, who knows...

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

    I know that it doesn't really matter what I type here - since nobody even visits this site! - so I am not going to say a lot here. Just enjoy the site and the latest updates.

Monday, October 20th, 2016

    Quick one game update tonight... follow the Update! and New! icons to see the latest game action from Drew and his Lapeer Storm teammates on the ice.

Monday, October 17th, 2016

    Lots of updates as always, and, like always, not a lot of time to accomplish loading them to the site. I am going without a big description of what's new today - just follow the links and see what's new since last time. Oh... enjoy!

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

    Happy anniversary to the love of my life, my beautiful bride Tara, who has been my amazing companion in marriage for the last 19 years of our lives! I cannot imagine spending any of that time with anybody else...

    Enough mushy stuff - time to get to the updates. Since my last update, Samantha has played in two soccer games, Jayden has played in two soccer games, and Drew kicked off his hockey season with their first game. Each of the girls won a game and tied a game, while Drew's team got off to a fast start and never looked back in securing a "W" in their contest. You can see all of the pictures and read the recaps of these games by going to the Current Events page, then clicking on either Samantha, Drew, or Jayden before following the links to their respective sports.

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

    More website updates to share but little time to go into detail. The kids are back into activities at a breakneck pace once again, leaving Tara & I little time to accomplish the things that we need to get done in our own lives now. Please browse the site for the latest and greatest information on Samantha and Jayden's soccer seasons, Drew's hockey season, and Tyler and Sam's time at the Holly High School Homecoming Dance. As always, enjoy!

Saturday, September 10th, 2016

    Time for another round of website updates. As has been the case lately, I'm not going to go into a ton of detail here as I am getting tired tonight as I work on this. I will apologize for the kids first day of school pictures, as I was outside taking pictures of Tyler when a serious accident occurred just down the road and I rushed off to assist those involved. I had hoped to take individual pictures of all of the kids, and a group picture of Tyler, Samantha, and Drew, as they are now riding the bus together. That got put on hold, but with the help of my mother we were able to take pictures of all of the kids individually. You can see each of the kids pictures on their individual Current Events pages.

    While Samantha was still in Florida, her Michigan Impact travel club played in a preseason tournament. Although she didn't play, I did add the scores to all of the games to the website. Speaking of soccer, Jayden played in her first AYSO game in over 15 months today. She had a great time in her return to the field, and her team even secured a victory!

Monday, August 15th, 2016

    I'm running out of time tonight and I want to get the site updated, so I am just going to steer you to the Update List page to see what is new today. I do have to say that I have gone back and captioned the Pure Detroit tour pictures that I forgot to do last time, so feel free to check out those pages once again.

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

    It has been a long time since my last update to the site - and while I'm not sure it is the changes that I had desired they are for the best for the family. As many of you have heard, our Florida experiment has come to an end. Although Tara and the kids adjusted nicely, I wasn't able to locate work (beyond a low paying job loading 90 pound windows for 10-14 hours a day). After trying for nearly a full year we decided that enough was enough, and it was time to move the family back to Michigan before school starts. It is only a matter of time before this chapter of our lives officially closes.

    On to the important things - the updates! Drew has a few things going this summer here in Michigan, including his participation in the Flint Olympian Games earlier this summer as well as his upcoming participation in the 59th annual CANUSA Games in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada later this week. In between those events we were able to celebrate the 4th of July together as a family in sunny Venice, Florida. Drew and I also participated in a couple of tours of downtown Detroit, thoroughly enjoying ourselves. I'm sure we'll be back for more of those in the future. Per usual, you can look for the Update and New icons as you browse the site, or you can visit the Update List page for all of the latest.

Saturday, June 4th, 2016

    Time for another round of additions to the website. I don't have a whole lot to say today, so I will direct you to the Current Events page for Tyler, Samantha, and Drew for the latest updates. It has been less than a week since my last update, so if you missed those please visit the Update List page to see what you may have missed. Have fun checking things out, and feel free to let me know what you think!

Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

    It has taken up most of my free time just to add the pictures to the site that I wanted, and in order to get the site updated tonight I am out of time to provide a big write-up here about those updates. I'm just going to leave it here and let you enjoy the site.

Sunday, May 15th, 2016

    As is always the case, I have way more updates to take care of than I do time to get them added to the site. There are lots of new additions this time around, though I am going to let you find them all. To make it easy on yourself, just follow the Update! icons and look for the New! icons for the most recent additions.

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

    Many more games were expected this weekend, but the weather had other plans. Of the four scheduled (and possibly a fifth game, depending on the outcome of three of the others) contests, only one was able to be completed, while one other was cancelled at halftime and the others were preemptively cancelled. While this isn't what we had planned, it did allow me the opportunity to get the website updated before another month has passed between them.

    As I said, there are only one and a half game updates to share today. Up first is Samantha's half of a soccer game which was meant to kick off the Best of the Bay Tournament. You can find this update on Samantha's Current Events page. The other update is for Drew's baseball game, which wound up being his team's second victory of the season. You can find this update on Drew's Current Events page.

Wednesday, March 31st, 2016

    Man, it has been forever since my last update! Far too long, as many events took place that I wasn't able to get summaries and recaps for as Tara & I no longer recall what happened during the events! But enough about my failings, on to the updates...

    There are a ton of new additions to Drew's Venice Little page, including the opening day ceremony and 10 (TEN!) game updates. For Samantha the updates include 3 soccer games for her Venice Falcons club team, 2 games for the Region Cup tournament, pictures from her high school soccer banquet, and the schedule for two more soccer tournaments. Tyler has the addition of two track meets to his page. Unfortunately Jayden gets left out this time, though she is participating in gymnastics, so who knows what that will entail!

    We also celebrated Easter together, which has also been added to the site. Finally, I have added 12 new wallpaper updates to the site.

    To see each of these updates, follow the links below. You can either click on the Current Events and Wallpapers pages and follow the Update! and the New! icons or you can click on the Update List page for a listing of all updates.

Wednesday, February 10th, 2016

    Not much to share today, just a couple of updates to share with you... I have added the schedule for Drew's little league season as well as the schedule for Samantha's Region Cup tournament. There will be more updates coming soon...

Thursday, February 4th, 2016

    Winters have always been a tough time for me - something about the lack of sunshine that really causes me to go into a deep funk. So far this year, it has been much, much worse for me. Most days I cannot wait to get out of work and get home, but then on the way home I realize that I am going home to an empty house. I now realize that I would never make it on my own as a single person without the kids in my life. I am beyond grateful for the time that I have with the loves of my life...

    On to the important things: the updates! This time around I only have one addition to the site, and that is Samantha's high school soccer teams lone postseason game. You can find this update on Samantha's current events page. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 9th, 2016

    2015 was a pretty volatile year for our family, as Tara accepted a job in Florida that started in May. We planned to have me stick around Michigan until the kids school and summer sports wrapped up and then move down to join her with Tyler, Samantha, Drew, and Jayden. It didn't quite work out that way as jobs offers weren't exactly pouring in for me. Instead, we moved the kids down just before the start of the school year. It got to be late enough in the year that we decided I should continue working in Michigan until bonuses are paid out, with the hope of finding a job in Florida shortly after. Being here in this cold has only reaffirmed my desire to move!

    I have added lots of new photos to the website since my last update. Too many for me to take the time to list them out here, so I will instead encourage you to browse the site or, for easy reference, to visit the Update List page for all of the latest additions.

    As always, the Update List page is available for your use if it has been quite some time since your last visit to our site. This page contains a chronological listing of all of the updates that have been made this year, allowing you to easily find anything you may have missed since your last visit. Please enjoy the site and come back often. Thanks for visiting!


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