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Saturday, December 31st, 2017

My last update of 2017! Enjoy, and happy new year to all!

Sunday, December 24th, 2017

Well, I'm almost afraid to admit it, but after nearly three months I am finally able to get the website updated. There are far too many additions to the site to list out, so you'll just have to browse the site and search for the New! and Update! icons throughout the site. I didn't even try to list each of the updates on the Update List site this time... sorry.

Friday, September 29th, 2017

Another busy weekend coming up, and a busy week behind us. Time for another quick update before I fall further behind than normal. There are updates to the pages for Samantha, Drew, and Jayden. Feel free to check them out and let me know what you think!

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

Just a quick update before a busy weekend of sports gets underway... I have added two soccer games to Jayden's page and two hockey games to Drew's page. Check them out and let me know what you think!

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

I am adding a quick update this week as I am trying to get ahead of the busy weekend that we have ahead of us. As for updates, there is new information about soccer for Samantha, and a couple of baseball game updates (and a rearranged schedule) for Drew.

On another, much tougher note, we are saying goodbye to my Uncle Dennis tomorrow. He was taken from us far earlier than any of us ever expected, and the shock has been hard to overcome. Although life will go on, it will never be the same, and we will forever keep him in our hearts.

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

Another day, another update. Please follow the Update! and New! icons for the latest additions, or click on the Update List link for a chronological listing. Enjoy!

Friday, August 25th, 2017

As always I am behind in getting the website updated. I have added a bunch of new sports for Samantha, Drew, and Jayden this time around, and with a weekend full of games coming up I wanted to get everything up before that started, as I know that I will be falling even further behind if I don't get this one done. By now you know the routine - follow the Update! and New! icons for the latest updates and additions to the site, or click on the Update List for all of the updates since your last visit.

Friday, August 10th, 2017

Another quick update for you... but this time I am running out of time so no extensive description (not that anyone reads them anyway...). Check out the Current Events page and follow the Update! and New! icons, or go to the Update List page to see the list of updates by date.

Thursday, July 6th, 2017

I actually found time to update the website a few days ago, but of course I forgot to make any changes to the home page of the website to let you know that! There were lots of updates, too - Samantha's soccer and baseball pages were updated, as was Drew and Jayden's baseball and softball pages. This time around I have added a couple of pages to our existing Fourth of July activities as well as a few new wallpapers. You can find all of these updates quickly and easily by going to the Update List page.

Monday, June 19th, 2017

Two weeks later and I'm finally getting around to update the website once again, doing my best to get things finished up between practices, games, and work. We'll have a brief lull once baseball season winds down, but after that we'll be back to the busy season - this time with Drew in travel hockey and both Samantha and Jayden playing travel soccer, all beginning before summer officially winds down. In the meantime, continue to check the Update List page for all of the latest and greatest updates, and please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site!

Monday, June 5th, 2017

Too many things going on to keep up with the site like I had hoped, but I am almost all caught up. There are far too many things to list here, so I would recommend going to the Update List page for all of the latest and greatest. As always, let me know what you think... and enjoy!

Monday, May 1st, 2017

A lot has happened in the month since I last updated the site. Samantha was knocked down and fractured her wrist playing soccer, causing her to miss a few games before it healed enough to put a cast on so that she could return to the field. Drew has started playing Little League baseball, while Jayden has kicked off her softball career as well as her new season of AYSO soccer. You can find pictures of all of those activities and more by following the link to the Current Events page above or below. I have also added seven new wallpapers from our recent trip to Detroit to the Wallpapers page.

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Too much to do so I'm just posting the update today. If you visit our site (ever) you know how to find things. If not, you can go to the Update List page to see the latest and greatest. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 4th, 2017

I have added a few more updates to the site this time around. I am too tired to tell you about them all here, so you can either browse the website looking for New! or Update! icons, or you can go to the Update List page to see the latest and greatest!

Monday, February 20th, 2017

I have added a few more updates to the site this time around. I am too tired to tell you about them all here, so you can either browse the website looking for New! or Update! icons, or you can go to the Update List page to see the latest and greatest!

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Three more additions to the site to share with you today - Samantha's fifth indoor soccer game for the high school team, Drew's latest basketball game, and Drew's first playoff game have all been added to the site. Please check them out and enjoy!

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

I have a few updates to share with you today - pictures from my Grandma Parrott's 90th birthday party, Sam's indoor soccer games for both the high school and Michigan Impact soccer teams, and Drew's basketball game have all been added to the site. Please check them out and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 18th, 2017

Another quick update, this time to share pictures of Drew's hockey team's trip to the Motown Cup as well as our family visit (minus one) to the North American International Auto Show. Enjoy!

Friday, January 13th, 2017

Just a quick note to say that I have added several sets of pictures for Samantha and Drew's various winter sporting activities. Please check them out!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

2016 didn't go exactly according to plan for the Peters family. Our move to Florida was aborted due to my ability to acquire gainful employment. Although our return to Michigan has been welcomed by most of the family, it hasn't been without hiccups along the way - we are doing what we can to make the best of it though. Regardless of the outcome of our 'Florida Experiment', 2017 is going to be a great year for us all!

At this time I don't have any new pictures to share with you, just some general year-end transition housekeeping. The 2016 pages have now been moved to the Past Events page. The Wallpapers, Blog, and Update List pages have all been moved to their respective 2016 pages as well. I have added two new sports schedules to the site, however. One each for Samantha and Drew. Sam is playing indoor soccer to prepare for the upcoming high school soccer team, and you can find the schedule for that season on her current events page. Drew is playing parks & rec basketball once again, and the schedule for that can be found on his current events page.

As always, the Update List page is available for your use if it has been quite some time since your last visit to our site. This page contains a chronological listing of all of the updates that have been made this year, allowing you to easily find anything you may have missed since your last visit. Please enjoy the site and come back often. Thanks for visiting!


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