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Tuesday, December 26th, 2021

As the saying goes, the hurrier I go the behinder I get. I am struggling mightily to keep things up to date, so I am once again going to be uploading pictures without captions or recaps. I will work on them and update as I go...

I have a lot of pictures being added today, including five of Jayden's Florida Hawks soccer games, two of Drew's Riverview Ice Sharks hockey games, one trip to Walt Disney World by me, a bunch of Christmas photos, and pictures from our day at the beach. Feel free to check them all out by following the Update! and New! icons on the links below!

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Two additions to the site today... Up first is Jayden's latest game for the Florida Hawks soccer team. You can get the information from Game 3 on her Current Events page. The other addition to the site doesn't involve pictures, but instead the remainder of the schedule for Drew's Riverview Ice Sharks JV hockey team. You can find that on his Current Events page.

Thursday, November 11th, 2021

Whew! I think that I am finally - finally! - caught up with all of the website additions I made to the site last week. Picture captions and day/game recaps are are up for all of the pages I added on the 5th, so please feel free to go back and check those out.

As for new additions this week, I only have one. Drew played in his JV team's most recent game on November 7th, and as always you can find his hockey game information on his Current Events page.

Friday, November 5th, 2021

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I just can't seem to catch up on the website, as I find myself falling behinder and behinder each day. Like last time, I have made the decision to upload the pictures from all of our recent events without the game/day recaps and picture captions so that you can enjoy them, and I will continue to work behind the scenes to finish up those parts. This won't help me get things done any faster, but it will give others the chance to see our family activities.

Since the last "update" I did manage to get the recaps and photo captions completed for Games 1-5 for Drew's varsity hockey games, as well as the entire set of pictures from our trip to Walt Disney World for Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry's 50th wedding anniversary!

For this update, I have added pictures for Drew's first two JV hockey games, as well as the most recent - and apparently the final - four of Drew's varsity hockey games. There are also pictures from the trip that Grandma Terry and I took to Walt Disney World on October 19th. Finally, pictures from Drew and Jayden's high school homecoming dance can be found on their respective Current Events pages. I hope to have the captions and recaps available soon for these events - time allowing, of course!

Friday, October 8th, 2021

Since I seem to fall behinder and behinder on the website, I have made the decision to upload the pictures from all of our recent events without the game/day recaps and picture captions so that you can enjoy them, and I will continue to work behind the scenes to finish up those parts. This won't help me get things done any faster, but it will give others the chance to see our family activities.

For this update, I have added four of Drew's varsity hockey games. I have the captions and recap available for the first game, and the pictures for the other three on the site. The remaining pictures and recaps will follow - soon, I hope! I also have pictures from our trip to Walt Disney World for Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry's 50th wedding anniversary! Those daily recaps and picture captions will be following soon.

Tuesday, September 14th, 2021

I am adding the pages for Drew upcoming hockey season(s) to the site today. His first game has already taken place, but I won't be able to add those pictures to the site for a couple of days. In the meantime, enjoy!

Thursday, August 10th, 2021

It has been a slow summer in our household, so there hasn't been much in the way of updates to the website recently. With that out of the way, school is underway here in the sunshine state for the youngest two, so that means two new pages to see. Both Drew and Jayden have First Day of School pages with pictures to explore.

Shortly before the start of school, Jayden and I went on a 6+ mile hike at the nearby Little Manatee River State Park. Although we picked a terribly hot day to go exploring, we still had a good time. You can find the pictures from our hike on the Current Events page.

Before we know it sports will be back underway, and I will once again be able to keep up with the necessary updates to the site... until then!

Sunday, July 4th, 2021

Just one quick addition to the website today, which is game 10 for Drew and his Riverview Ice Sharks hockey team. You can now find them by following the Update! icons next to the links below. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 24th, 2021

Only two quick additions to the website today, both of them for Drew. Games 8 and 9 have been completed by his Riverview Ice Sharks hockey team, and have now been added to the website for your review. Please check them out!

Thursday, June 3rd, 2021

I have quite a few updates to add to the site today, and one that I don't have an update for. First up, the newest additions to the site:

Jayden and her Florida Hawks FC teammates wrapped up their season recently, and I am finally getting around to adding the pictures and recaps from her final four games. As you would expect, go to the Current Events page and click on Jayden, then look for the Florida Hawks FC link to check out all of these new additions.

Drew and his Riverview Ice Sharks teammates have quite a few games to go in their Spring Season, but they completed three more games since I last updated the website. Like you would for Jay's games, go to the Current Events page and click on Drew, then look for the Ice Sharks Hockey link, then the 2021 Spring Season link to check out these new additions.

There is one addition to the site related to Tara and one that I don't have an addition for. First up is the addition, which is for our low-key Mothers Day celebration which can be found on the Current Events page. I don't have any pictures for Tara's birthday this year, as she opted to wait for her gift as she is looking to purchase a new set of golf clubs this year.

The final set of additions to the site are for our two visits to Walt Disney World during the past month. Go to the Current Events page and click on Walt Disney World to see the pictures from our trip to Animal Kingdom in early May and to the Magic Kingdom in late May.

Tuesday, May 4th, 2021

A couple of quick update to the site this time...

Up first, Drew and his Riverview Ice Sharks teammates played in their fourth game of their spring season this past Friday. You can find the pictures from the game by clicking on the Ice Sharks Hockey link on Drew's Current Events page. Next, Jayden and her Florida Hawks FC teammates also played in their fourth game of their season, though theirs was on Saturday. You can find the pictures from this game by clicking on the Florida Hawks FC link on Jayden's Current Events page.

Just a reminder that there was a bunch of updates to the site on April 29th as well. Go to the Update List page to see all of the other recent additions to the site.

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

I've added a bunch of new additions to the website this time around (as you'd expect since it has been seven weeks since my last update).

First things first - we were blessed to have Tyler home for the last couple weeks of March. Although I don't have a bunch of pictures from his visit, we certainly enjoyed him being home for bit. His girlfriend Rose was able to fly down for a bit too, so for a brief moment in time we were all together again, for the first time in over a year!

On to the updates. Up first, Drew, Jayden, Tara, and I went down to Sarasota to walk the Celery Fields on March 14th. You can check out the pictures from our walk on the Current Events page. Up next was our first event with Tyler and Rose, as we finally got to wrap up 2020's Christmas celebrations when they opened up their presents at Sun-N-Fun with Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry. Those pictures are on the Christmas 2020 page under Current Events. Later that same evening we headed up to St. Petersburg to take some pictures of the Sunshine Skyway, which are located on the Current Events page as well.

Prior to Tyler and Rose departing once again we paid a visit to Topgolf in Tampa. This was the second visit for almost everyone (except for me, who was stuck working the night that they all went previously). As you'd expect, those pictures can also be located on the Current Events page. Speaking of Tyler leaving, Drew and I drove with him to his new base in New Mexico at the beginning of April. You can find all kinds of details about our "Boy's Trip" by going to the Current Events page.

Once we returned from our trip, it was time for Drew and Jay to resume sports. Drew is back on the ice for the 2020-21 Spring Season for the Riverview Ice Sharks. You can find the schedule and game info and pictures on Drew's Ice Sharks Hockey page. Jayden is active too, as she kicked off her recreational soccer season for the Florida Hawks Futbol Club. You can find the schedule and game info and pictures on Jayden's Current Events page.

Finally, we watched the sunset the past weekend at the Apollo Beach Nature Preserve. You can find those pictures on the Current Events page as well. That is it for now!


Wednesday, March 10th, 2021

A quick update to the site today...

Drew and his Riverview Ice Sharks teammates wrapped up their regular season this past Friday, and moved straight to the playoffs on Saturday. You can find the pictures from these games by clicking on the Ice Sharks Hockey link on Drew's Current Events page.

Thursday, March 4th, 2021

I'm playing lots of catch up with the updates tonight, as I have fallen way behind over the past month. With that being said, I'll go straight to the updates...

Over the course of the past month, we made two visits to Walt Disney World - one to the Magic Kingdom, and the other to Disney Springs and Epcot. You can find the pictures from those trips by clicking on the Walt Disney World link on the Current Events page.

Jayden also completed her middle school soccer season, with her team completing their four games (the fifth scheduled game had to be called off as the school couldn't field a team this year). You can find the pictures from those contests by clicking on the Barrington MS Soccer link on Jayden's Current Events page.

Drew and his Riverview Ice Sharks teammates have played in a bunch of regularly scheduled and makeup hockey games as well. You can find the pictures from these games by clicking on the Ice Sharks Hockey link on Drew's Current Events page.

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021

We have a few new things to add to the site this time around. Up first, is the photos from our visit to Disney's Animal Kingdom on Drew's birthday. We celebrated Drew's birthday the weekend earlier, so we made the last minute decision to go to the park and enjoy the day.

The next addition to the site is of Drew's three latest hockey games. The pictures from those games can be found on Drew's Current Events page. Finally, Jayden has once again made her middle school soccer team, and the schedule for those games can be found on her Current Events page.

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

I am finally getting around to add the 2020 Christmas photos to the site. That pretty much sums up this update, so I will leave it at that!


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