Soccer - Page 2

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It took four weeks, but we finally had a nice day for soccer practice to occur on. The kids participated in more drills this week, but still no games. We think that will happen in the fall - but who knows!

Tyler at Soccer - June 5th

Tyler patiently waiting his turn during a drill. Tyler getting ready to kick the ball through the tunnel.
Tyler making his way out of the tunnel after kicking his ball (I think). Tyler listening to directions from the coaches.
Another of Tyler waiting his turn. Tyler kicking the ball around the cones.

Another cold, drizzly day. Today was silly hat day, so that is what you see in the first few pictures. This was also the last day until next September, so check back then for more pictures.

Tyler at Soccer - June 12th

This is the coaches and kids doing their stretching exercises. Tyler playing red-light/green-light.
Still playing the light game. Tyler kicking a goal during a drill.
Tyler during another drill. Tyler being chased by a coach during a drill.
Tyler and his friend John talking. Tyler and John listening to a coach.
Tyler and John goofing off. Tyler getting ready to kick the big ball.

The official league pictures...

Tyler's Soccer Pictures

The official team photo, with Tyler in the third row, on the far right.
Tyler's official individual photo.
Tyler's trading card (wallet size photo).

Please click here for page three of the photos



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