St. Ignace - Page 2

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    After our tour of the town and craft show, we returned to the campground for dinner.

St. Ignace/Mackinac Island KOA - September 1st

Drew snacking on a cookie. Samantha & Tyler at the playground.
Tyler riding his bike. Jayden moving around on the mat.

    The kids couldn't let another year pass without going to the "Indian Store", Totem Village, to see the animals and the toys for sale. Here are a few pictures from our visit.

Totem Village - September 1st

A deer. A chicken.
Another deer. A bobcat.

    After getting back from the short bike ride to Totem Village, we took a ride around the campground to check things out. After the bike ride we hung around the campfire, and snacked on some raspberry cheesecake, as well as working on finished the kettle corn from the craft show.

St. Ignace/Mackinac Island KOA - September 1st

This camper was towed by a motorcycle. This one was pulled behind a Mini.
Another motorcycle towed camper. Drew, Tyler, Terry, Gary, Tara, and Samantha enjoying an evening snack.
Tyler and Drew enjoying the kettle corn. A self portrait!
Tara and Sam taking their turn with the corn. Drew hamming it up while Tyler chows down.
Who farted? Actually, Tara is trying to avoid the smoke that temporarily blew her way. Sam relaxing in Terry's arms.
Tyler once again digging into the kettle corn.

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