Spring Soccer - Page 2

Home Up


    Tyler had the second game on Saturday. Tyler's team wore the blue home jersey today.

Tyler - April 28th

Tyler chasing after the ball. Tyler running to join the action.
Tyler watching a play unfold on defense.

    Once again Samantha had the earlier of the kids games on Sunday. Her team wore the blue home jersey today.

Samantha - April 29th

Samantha running towards the action. Sam kicking the ball down the field.
Sam kicking the ball once again. Sam throwing the ball in from the sideline.
Sam trying to take the ball away from the other team. Another picture of Sam throwing the ball into play.

    Once again Tyler had the late game, although this time it was much later than usual - a 6:00pm start. Again, Tyler's team was the home team wearing blue.

Tyler - April 29th

Tyler kicking the ball out of his end. Tyler after making another save in goal.
Tyler kicking the ball. Tyler chasing down the ball.
Tyler preparing for a kick on defense. Tyler watching the action unfold from the defensive end.

    Today was picture day. Not too bad, except when you consider that it was before the kids 9:00am games - and add in the fact that all 6 of us had to get ready to leave by 8:15am, and you can imagine how well that went. We did eventually make it, and Sam's game started a little before Tyler's. Her team wore blue today.

Samantha - May 5th

Sam waiting for some action while on defense. Sam on defense again, walking near her coach.
Sam getting ready for the game to get back underway. Sam on defense again.

    Tyler's game was also at 9:00am today, and his team wore red. He gave up his first goal ever in the first half today, but he made up for it in the second half by scoring a goal.

Tyler - May 5th

Tyler working on taking the ball from the other team. Tyler in goal waiting for some action.
Tyler making a save. Tyler throwing the ball to a teamate.

Please click here for page three of the photos



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