Christmas at Home

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    Since we are not going to be home to open presents on Christmas Day, Santa surprised us all with presents under the tree when we returned from Jayden's birthday dinner on December 11th. Needless to say we were all shocked and pleased, because now we would not have to find room to haul all of our presents back with us from our vacation. Even though a few items from our list were missing here and there, overall our Christmas can be deemed a success.

Christmas at Home

Our Christmas tree lit up and surrounded by presents.

Samantha opening a new necklace from Santa Claus.

Jayden unwrapping a present from her stocking.

Drew and Tyler working on getting their presents out of their stockings.

Sam holding her new Nintendo DSi protective case (even though she doesn't look thrilled, she was happy to get it).

Jay and Sam looking at some of the gifts from inside Jay's stocking.

Drew and Tyler checking out a gift.

Drew showing off his new Diego video game while Tyler prepares to open another present.

Sam showing off her new magazine while Jayden proudly displays her new movie.

Sammy was thrilled to receive the Hannah Montana movie from Santa, while Jay was just happy opening presents.

Sam was also happy to get "17 Again" as a present, while Jay kept busy unwrapping.

Drew and Tyler opening up some of their new Lego sets from Santa Claus.

Another picture of Drew and Tyler opening up some Lego's.

Tyler showing off his new Coast Guard Lego set while Drew moves on to his next present.

Drew unwrapping his Cars GeoTrax set from Santa.

Sam holding up her new Hannah Montana soundtrack and Jay opening up some new furniture for her doll house.

Sammy opening her big pink fuzzy chair that she has been asking for. Thanks, Santa!

Tyler checking out his City Corner Lego set.

Jay holding up one of the new pieces of furniture for her doll house that she received from Santa.

Sam, Jay, Drew, and Tyler working on opening the gifts that Santa was nice enough to leave for the entire family.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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