May 25th - Page 2

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    Here are some more pictures from our time at the Living Science classroom.

Living Science

Tyler was actually brave enough to hold the ball python. He wasn't nuts when the snake moved it's head towards his arm.

Tyler had no problem holding the salamanders...

...or the box turtles.

Tyler wanted no part of the tarantula. His friend, Quincy, is seen here letting the spider walk across his hand.

Tyler also petted the large python. The kids weren't allowed to hold this one today.

Another look at the python as the camp counselor carries it through the room.

    When Living Science was complete, we made the short walk to our next activity - Canoeing. Chaperones were not allowed to join in this activity, nor were the kids allowed to wade into the water past their knees - even though other groups were apparently allowed to do both. I don't think the kids were really thrilled with this activity because aside from about five minutes of actually moving the boat around in the water the rest of the time was spent with the kids holding the boats together (like a raft) and other kids moving about between different boats. Yee-haw!


Our group, Group D, walking to the canoeing activity.

Tyler wading into the water while waiting for the canoeing activity to begin.

Tyler and Brad in their canoe, making their way away from shore.

Another look at Brad and Tyler in the canoe.

The lake where the kids were boating in.

Brad and Tyler out away from shore.

On our way to dinner, Tyler spent some time talking to some of his other classmates.

    After dinner we walked to our next activity, Smoklerville. Smoklerville is an 1860's village, and the kids were placed into "families" whose job was to go around to various buildings to complete tasks. Chaperones were given roles to play, such as the sheriff or the fur trader. Fortunately I was able to avoid being given a task. The families were required to stay together to complete their tasks, and if they separated they could be sent to jail (which happened to a couple members of Tyler's family). The main point of all of the tasks was to be able to acquire their homestead. At the end of the evening the kids were given points based on the amount of tasks that they had completed.


Tyler walking with his "family" through Smoklerville.

Tyler's family listening to an Indian tell the kids a tale.

A piece of old equipment inside the Smoklerville village.

Tyler resting while some of his family members practice their archery behind him.

A family photo, with Tyler on the right.

Tyler's family inside the combination lumber yard/blacksmith shop.

Our friend Bill was nominated to play the part of the lumberman.

Please click here for page three of the photos


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