Christmas Morning

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    It was a late night on Christmas Eve thanks to church, so Tara & I had the faint hope that the kids might actually sleep in a little this morning. They had been sleeping in the entire previous week while on winter recess from school, but alas it wasn't meant to be on Christmas morning. Bright and early our door was gently opened so that the light from every possible source in the living room and hallway could flood into the room and awake us. Considering that it was 7:00am, neither Tara nor I were eager to awake, but we forced ourselves to put our feet on the floor and get moving. The kids had already sorted through their stockings, but were not-so-patiently waiting for us to open their gifts. Please enjoy the results of their efforts...

Merry Christmas from Santa Claus!

Tyler, Jayden, Drew, and Samantha opening gifts from their stockings.

Jayden looking at some of her new Bath & Body Works

Drew showing off one of his new assortment of Axe accessories.

Samantha showing off her "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" book.

Drew showing off a new Nintendo DS game. He didn't have a DS of his own at this point, but was positive that one specific box was just that.

Tyler opening his new FLIP video camera while Jay waits patiently for her turn.

Jayden politely telling Tyler to "back off, I can handle this on my own thank you" or something similar.

Samantha opening her own FLIP camera.

Drew getting the Nintendo DS that he dreamt of.

Drew was all smiles as he showed off his new green Nintendo DSi.

Tyler opening up his new airsoft gun...

...this one is automatic - no pumping like his last gun.

Jayden opening her first Zhu-Zhu pet of the day.

Drew watching as Samantha open the present she has been wanting for quite some time.

Drew showing off his own Zhu-Zhu pet.

Tyler showing off a case for his mini skateboard toys.

Jayden showing off her own Leapster2.

Sam opening up covers to a purse that she doesn't have (yet).

Drew showing off his new movie, "Shrek Forever After."

Tyler displaying some new skateboards to put in his case.

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