Christmas Morning - Page 4

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    Here are more pictures of the kids opening their presents from Santa Claus...

Merry Christmas from Santa Claus!

The boys were especially interested in what Rodney's next gift was...

The gift that was most interesting to the boys turned out to be crazy erasers - in the form of bathroom items (a toilet, a plunger, a roll of toilet paper, and a big steaming pile of... well, you can probably guess that one on your own).

Rod also got a cool Lego measuring tool as well as a special tool for prying bricks apart. This would turn out to come in handy for his next present, which turned out to be...

...a Lego At-At from the Star Wars series. Rodney had been wanting one of these for a long time.

    After the kids opened up all of the presents from Santa Claus, it was time for the gifts from Dad & Mom...

Christmas from Dad & Mom

Tyler got a nice University of Michigan lined sweatshirt, which should come in really handy since he rarely chooses to wear his winter coat...

Samantha got a pair of boots courtesy of her Mom.

Sam was pretty excited about the boots because she had been asking them for quite some time.

This big box had been bugging Tyler for a couple of days now. He was dying to know what was inside... turned out that he got the two baseball caps he had been asking for - one Detroit Lions hat and one Detroit Pistons hat.

Drew opened up a package of Crayon's next.

Sam was really excited to get some new clothes (yes, the kids are weird that way). Here is one of her new Aeropostale shirts...

...and a new long sleeved shirt...

...and a sweatshirt.

Jayden got some new crayons too!

Tyler also got some Aeropostale clothes. Here is one of his new sweatshirts...

...and his new polo shirt...

...and another sweatshirt.

Although Jay wasn't too excited, Drew was pretty happy to be getting some hockey equipment today. He even said "Thank You" when he opened it!

Sam already had an Easy Bake oven, but lost all of the pans and accessories. This new model should fix all of that for her.

Drew was watching as Jayden opened up some brand new Polly Pocket dolls.

Please click here for page five of the photos


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