January 1st

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    On our way we had to make one last stop at Downtown Disney to pick up our personalized Christmas ornament. Tara & I also managed to find the sweatshirts that we wanted in our sizes, so the entire family managed to come away with the souvenir that they wanted.

Downtown Disney

The water tower outside the House of Blues.

Planet Hollywood.

A bird that we saw in the tree while walking through Downtown Disney.

Tyler, Jayden, Drew, and Samantha with Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, and Roo.

Another shot of the kids with the characters from the Thousand Acre Wood.

Sam, Jay, Drew, and Tyler with Daisy and Donald Duck.

Another shot of the kids with Daisy and Donald.


Tyler standing with Mr. Potato Head.

Drew, Tyler, Jay, and Sam with Mr. Potato Head.

    We stopped for the night at a Super 8 Motel in Valdosta, Georgia. It was no where near as nice as the La Quinta we stayed in on our way down, but it was a place to lay our head for the night, so it didn't matter.

Super 8 Motel - Valdosta, Georgia

Jayden, Tyler, and Samantha checking out the beds in our hotel room.

Looking at our hotel room towards the door.

Jay, Tyler, Tara, and Drew in the room, this time looking towards the window.

Our fancy bathroom.

The sink, closet, and front door of the hotel room.


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