July 15th - Page 5

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    After completing our bike ride around the island, we spent some time walking around town. Here is a bunch of miscellaneous pictures from our time on Main Street.

Sights Around Town

A look at the Mackinac Island State Harbor. Remember this photo when you look at shots of the harbor from the 18th and 19th of July...

The sign at the entrance to the Mackinac Island State Harbor.

A bat on the wall of the Lilac Hotel.

The Grand Hotel and their fancy horses and carriage.

A look down Main Street, Mackinac Island.

The Arnold Transit Co. building. Arnold Transit is the oldest ferry service on the island.

Samantha, Tara, and Gary sitting on the benches while waiting for the boat back to the mainland to arrive.

You just can't escape some things...

Marissa, Sam, and Jayden playing games on the bench.

A nice pleasure boat coming into the harbor.

The Island House Hotel, where Rodney & Tyler stayed on Tyler's fourth grade class trip.

A couple of nice houses on the island. Tara is particularly fond of the one on the left.

The boat back to Mackinaw City arriving at the dock.

A couple of sailboats anchored in the harbor.

Another look at sailboats anchored in the harbor.

    Before we knew it we were headed home, ending our day on the island. The boat ride back was a little more subdued when compared to our ride over this morning, as we were all pretty tired from our ride around the island today. The good news was that we had about 20 minutes of rest on the boat before it was time to ride back to the campground!

Boat Ride from Mackinac Island

Marissa, Samantha, and Jayden sitting on the boat, ready to head back to the mainland.

Sam, Tara, Tyler, Drew, Gary, Terry, Jayden, Donovan, Erica, Dwayne, and Marissa on the boat ride back.

Donovan, Erica, Dwayne, and Marissa on the boat.

Sam, Tara, Tyler, Drew, and Gary sitting on the boat.

Gary, Terry, and Jayden on the ride back.

    One shot of the full moon through the trees on our campsite. I wanted a picture through an opening in the branches, but I couldn't quite work it out on the tripod. This picture still looked pretty cool to me though, so I am including it here...

Mackinaw Mill Creek Campground

Late at night a full moon could be seen in the sky. Although this photo didn't turn out like planned, the outline of the tree and cobwebs in it looked pretty neat.


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