July 15th

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    We woke up early this morning to ride our bikes back into town in order to take them with us to Mackinac Island today. Here are a few pictures from our boat ride to the island on an Arnold Transit Co. catamaran.

Boat Ride to Mackinac Island

The view of the Mackinac Bridge from the boat dock.

Our boat coming in to the dock.

Tyler, Marissa, Drew, Samantha, Jayden, and Donovan looking over the side of the dock at the water.

Marissa, Donovan, Tyler, Drew, and Samantha sitting at the very back of the boat on the second level.

Jay and Tara posing for a picture on the boat. The weather was a little better than it was for this picture of Tara and Sam during our last family trip in 2004!

Terry & Gary on the boat to the island.

Dwayne & Erica on the boat to the island.

Rodney taking a self photo on the boat.

The view looking off the back of the boat.

A look back at the Mackinac Bridge from our boat.

The Grand Hotel as seen from our boat.

The Round Island Lighthouse.

    Before we started our bike ride we spotted this horse going through town. Jayden instantly fell in love with the island when she it!

Sights Around Town

The first horse we saw on the island.

    We made our way around the island, searching for the infamous Crack-in-the-Island that Tyler and I discovered during his school trip. The first place we came upon was Devil's Kitchen, where we took a moment to rest and take some family pictures.

Devil's Kitchen

Donovan, Marissa, Jayden, Tyler, Samantha, and Drew standing in the Devil's Kitchen.

A closer look at the six kids standing in Devil's Kitchen.

Another shot of the kids in Devil's Kitchen.

Rodney, Tara, Tyler, Samantha, Drew, and Jayden posing for a family photo in Devil's Kitchen.

A close-up of Rod, Tara, Tyler, Sam, Drew, and Jay standing in Devil's Kitchen.

A special thanks to Dwayne & Erica for the use of their photo!

A close-up photo of Dwayne, Erica, Donovan, and Marissa in Devil's Kitchen.

Gary & Terry taking their turn getting their photo taken in Devil's Kitchen.

    I stumbled upon this small stream while we continued our ride along M-185, the road that runs around the island.

Views from Our Bike Ride

A small stream spotted during our bike ride.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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