Renaissance Festival

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    Our friend Wes and his son Ryan were gracious enough to provide us with complimentary tickets to the Michigan Renaissance Festival this year. We made plans to meet them early on the morning of Saturday, October 1st. That was the plan, anyway. Of course we sort of forgot about Drew's hockey practice when we made these plans, so it ended up that Drew and I went off to hockey while the rest of the family headed off to meet Wes and Ryan at the festival. Drew and I joined up with them once hockey practice was complete. We could have used some more time to explore the festival grounds, but that wasn't in the cards for today as we had to leave for Samantha's soccer game later in the day. As it was, we had fun participating in the activities that we were able to do, even if it was hard walking through the mud covered grounds!

Renaissance Festival

Samantha and Jayden posing as medieval characters.

Tyler, Ryan, Sam, and Jay posing with a fair maiden.

Ryan and Tyler practicing their bow & arrow handiwork.

Tyler ready to fire an arrow.

A look at the festival grounds.

Drew getting ready to go down the slide.

One of the medieval characters at the festival.

Jayden showing off her fairy stone.

Drew petting an animal in the petting zoo.

Sam and Jay brushing a donkey.

Jayden petting the donkey.

Sam and Jay petting a miniature horse.

A couple of strangely dressed fellows.

This fine young man wasn't dressed up, but his hair was ready for action.

The Queen's parade making their way to the jousting area...

...more of the parade...

...and still more...

...and more...

...and more...

...and more!

Please click here for page two of the photos


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