Renaissance Festival - Page 2

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    More pictures from our time at the Renaissance Festival in Holly Grove...

Renaissance Festival

The final part of the Queen's parade - the Queen herself!

An elfin character standing in the jousting area before the action begins.

The queen and her court making her way into the jousting area.

A fancy man.

This lady was the main announcer for the jousting action.

This jouster had the most impressive horse and the most impressive mane, but he didn't turn out to be much of a competitor.

Another of the jousters.

A look at the green jouster in his full uniform.


After being knocked off of their horses, the challenge continued on foot with swords.

More of the sword fight on foot.

Some more of the people wandering around the festival.

Drew, Jayden, and Samantha posing for a picture.

Drew and Jay standing together for a picture.

The man in white.

More people dressed for the festival.

This pointy eared fellow working at one of the stands selling trinkets.

Nice legs!

Nice hat!

These well dressed people were making their way back to their cars as we left.


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