August 2nd

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August 2nd, 2013              

    First off, I must apologize for my complete lack of photo taking over the course of this entire weekend. I am not sure exactly why I didn't take many pictures, but I didn't. But, please enjoy the pictures that I did take!

    The set of pictures below were taking during our drive up to the Lake Huron Campground. After driving through a brief shower, we were treated to one of the brightest, widest rainbows that I have ever seen. Honestly, the pictures don't even come close to doing it the justice that it deserved...

Somewhere Over The Rainbow...

A close-up look at the brighter of two rainbows spotted during our drive to the campground.

The view from the distance shows both rainbows - a faint one to the left, and a brighter one to the right.

Another view of the rainbow.

    This picture was taken from the campground, as the sunset was casting a pink hue over the entire sky. Once again, I am sure that this picture comes nowhere close to recreating the beauty that was visible to the human eye that night...


A look at a beautiful sunset over the campground.


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