Palace Tour

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July 18th, 2013              

    On Thursday, July 18th, Tara was able to secure a tour of The Palace of Auburn Hills for herself, Tyler, Samantha, Drew, Jayden, and Carlos, the exchange student that we are hosting from Spain. Since he is a big basketball fan (and a fan of a former Piston, Spaniard José Calderón), we thought that this would be a good experience for him, as well as our kids, who have never been on a tour like this at any sporting facility. Although I was unable to join them due to work, Tara said that both she and Carlos enjoyed the tour greatly, while our kids had fun as well. I think that everyone involved gained an appreciation at just how tall basketball players are as they toured the locker rooms and the showers, where everything is much higher than it is in a normal environment. And everyone walked away with a Detroit Basketball beach towel for taking the tour... not too shabby!

The Palace of Auburn Hills Tour

Samantha, Carlos, and Tyler making their way through the Palace concourse.

A look down from the third level of the Palace towards the stairs from outside up to the concourse.

Sam making her way to the entrance of Club 300, an entrance for all of the 300 level suites.

Carlos peering down at the Detroit Pistons basketball court from a 300 level suite.

Looking down at some of the advertising on the concourse level.

This former suite now houses the controls for the display screen/scoreboard that hangs over center court as well as the sound controls used during games.

Another look down at the court from the 300 level.

This photo shows the inside of a restaurant called "The Palace Grille".

Another shot of "The Palace Grille".

A look at the retired names and numbers that hang in the rafters at the Palace.

Jayden, Tyler, and Drew making their way into one of the 100 level suites, following their tour guide as he points out interesting facts along the way.

A look at the bar area inside the suite shown above.

Another look at the court, this time from a 100 level suite.

This door is an entrance to someplace that I forget...

The Detroit Pistons world championship banners hanging in the rafters.

Carlos, Tyler, Jayden, Drew, and Samantha following their tour guide towards the entrance to the Presidents Club.

A look inside the Presidents Club.

Another club inside the Palace, the Courtside Club (an area for courtside season ticket holders).

The inside of the Courtside Club.

Another look at the Courtside Club.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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