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July 18th, 2013              

    Here are some more of the pictures from the tour of The Palace of Auburn Hills...

The Palace of Auburn Hills Tour

This area is used for media interviews (for TV shows produced by the Pistons, etc.) inside the Courtside Club.

The tour guide talking to Carlos, Jayden, Samantha, Drew, and Tyler inside the room where press conferences are held.

Jay, Sam, Drew, and Tyler at the table, ready for questions!

Jay, Sam, Drew, Carlos, and Tyler at the media room table.

Carlos at the table, ready to speak to the public.

Another TV interview room inside the Palace.

The entrance to the Matt Dobek Press Room inside the Palace, an area where reporters can write their stories.

Jay, Carlos, and Sam exploring the visitors locker room. During the season, the couches aren't there. Instead, they are replaced by folding chairs for the visiting teams players.

Drew, Sam, and Carlos talking to the tour guide inside one of the gigantic doorways used by the players.

Although it is difficult to see in this photo, Tara was in awe over how high the shower heads are in the locker rooms (this is the visitors shower). If the tiles on the wall are 12 inches square, then they are about 8 1/2 feet off of the ground!

Another look inside the visitors locker room as Carlos, Jay, and Sam explore (notice the doorway that Sam is about to enter - practically twice her height!).

The kids following the tour guide down the visitors tunnel to the basketball court.

Carlos taking a photo of the arena as Jay, Tyler, Sam, and Drew make their way towards the court.

This section of the arena seating lifts up to allow large vehicles (such as monster trucks or semis) onto the arena floor.

Jayden and Sam making their way onto the court. Each piece of the court is numbered (such as this piece, M-1). There is over 200 pieces that make the fully assembled court, and it can be put together in about an hours time.

Drew, Jay, Sam, Tyler, and Carlos standing on the edge of the court.

A look up at the scoreboard, as well as the championship banners hanging in the rafters.

Carlos, Drew, Sam, Jay, and Tyler making their way to the center court logo.

Carlos standing on the Pistons logo.

Jay and Sam racing across the court.

Please click here for page three of the photos


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