Tyler's Georgia Aquarium
A fake jellyfish on display.
A few jellyfish swimming under the black-light.
A model of a small whale shark.
A bunch of fish swimming in one of the aquariums.
A sea horse swimming below a school of razor fish.
A close-up of a nearly see-through jellyfish.
A couple jellyfish floating near each other.
A close-up of another jellyfish.
A bunch of jellyfish swimming in the black-lights again.
This particular fish has a very cool face.
A neat looking black and orange fish.
A striped fish.
A cool purple fish.
Some more fish swimming in the aquarium.
This fish even has a striped eye!
A clownfish hanging out in an anemone.
A school of fish swimming together.
This person participated in the program that allows you to spend
the night in the aquarium! The kids were a little jealous...