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July 4th, 2014              

    After spending the morning watching the Freedom Festival Parade, and the afternoon swimming at Brian & Colleen's house (no pictures this year - sorry!), it was time to spend the evening watching the Freedom Festival Fireworks. We arrived around 6:30pm to find our usual viewing spot nearly overrun with people. Thankfully we managed to lay claim to a spot that was a little further down that usual but had the added benefit of having shrubbery serve as a "wall" on one end of our area, effectively limited our exposure to other people. We brought some of the leftover food that was left from this afternoon's meal to snack in addition to ordering some pizza to take up the slack as the evening wore on. The kids played catch, tag, did some inline skating to pass the time, while the adults spent their time socializing with each other and supervising the massive brood of children. Although it was a long, busy day, it was indeed a great way to spend time with some great friends!

Freedom Festival Fireworks

Steven managed to find a seat to sit down and enjoy the evening in.

Our group of kids, from the left, back row: Ben, Samantha (holding Jasper), Elizabeth, Hannah (holding Dani), Tyler, and Taren.

The front row: Noah, Drew, Nick, Tevin, Jayden, and Erin.

Another picture of Ben, Sam (holding Jasper), Elizabeth, Hannah (holding Dani), Tyler, Taren, Noah, Drew, Nick, Tevin, Jay, and Erin.

The adults from our group, left to right: Thad & Melissa, Brian & Colleen, Rodney & Tara, Jason & Tania, Gary & Terry, and Steven.

Another picture of Thad & Melissa, Brian & Colleen, Rod & Tara, Jason & Tania, Gary & Terry, and Steven.

Tara working on lighting sparklers for the kids.

Sam waving a sparkler through the air.

Steve doing his best sparkler "Zorro" impression.

Jay waving her sparkler around.

Sam working on making her initials, starting with the "S"...

...and ending with the "P".

Drew also made his initials, with this "D" as the beginning...

...and a "P" as the end.

Jay did her best to make the letter "J", but of course her and I managed to get it backwards on our first attempt...

...but the second time around worked much better!

Drew also decided to spell out what he was having this evening:





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