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June 2nd, 2015              

    Once things wrapped up following lunch at the hands on museum, it was time to make the short walk a few blocks away to Michigan Capitol building, located in the capital of Michigan, Lansing. The building is celebrating it's 136th year this year, and the outside of the building is undergoing some restoration. I had never been inside of the capitol before today, so I got to learn something alongside Drew and his classmates!

Capitol Building - Lansing

A look at the front of the Michigan capitol building.

Drew and his fiends standing in front of the capitol.

Collin, Drew, Miles, somebody, and Dmede posing for a picture together.

A look up at the capitol rotunda.

Many of the chandeliers in the capitol building show the Elk and the phrase "Tuebor" from the Michigan state crest.

A closer look up into the rotunda.

Drew and his classmates laying on the glass floor of the rotunda, which is lit from below. When the building was built there were no lights in the rotunda, so the light source from below was the only lighting available.

Here the kids are trying to guess how thick the glass plates that make up the floor are. While most of them guessed in the 6" range or more, the glass is actually less than an inch thick, and is holding up quite well despite being 136 years old!

A look down one of the hallways from the rotunda room.

A look at one of the stairwells.

The Michigan Senate room.

Drew and his classmates listening to the guide explain about the senate room.

A look at the ceiling and chandeliers inside the senate room.

The representative from our area, Joe Graves, acknowledging the kids in the balcony above.

Drew's class standing with representative Graves.

Another picture of the class, along with their teacher for today, Mr. Gibson, with representative Graves.

    After our tour of the capitol building concluded, we once again headed outside for a short walk, this time to the Michigan Library and Historical Center. Here the kids got to wander and explore the history of Michigan from before statehood to the modern day. While there wasn't as much for them to do here as there was at the Impressions 5 museum, what they saw related to their learning's of Michigan history this year in school. It was a great way to wind up the field trip before the bus ride back to school...

Michigan Library and Historical Center - Lansing

The entrance to the Michigan Library and Historical Center.

Drew and his partner for today, Collin, reading some facts about the early history of Michigan.

Collin and Drew standing in front of a large hunk of copper.

Drew in a classroom, sitting as a student in this era would have.

Drew decided he liked it better being the teacher!

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