July 19th

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July 19th, 2015              

    After a beautiful first day in Niagara Falls we woke up to a bright, shining sun and this amazing view out of our hotel windows...

Embassy Suites Falls View

The view from our hotel room looking towards Rainbow Bridge and the American Falls...

...and looking out at the Horseshoe Falls.

Drew and Jayden doing their best to take in the view of the falls despite the bright sun.

Drew showing off his method of looking out the window into the sun.

    Below is a panoramic view of the falls from our hotel room...

Embassy Suites Panorama

    After breakfast at the hotel we checked out of our room and headed to the Clifton Hills area of Niagara Falls to check out the sights!

Sights from Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Jayden found this t-shirt and thought that it would be perfect for her.

Jay posing with the two t-shirts that she wanted the most!

The Upside Down House of Niagara Hills.

This little fellow is tightrope walking across one of the streets in the Clifton Hills area.

Many moons ago my Grandmother and I ate at this little tiny restaurant called Mama Mia's. A lot has changed since then...

A view of the attractions in the Clifton Hills area.

The Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum.

Tyler, Carlos, Drew, Jayden, and Samantha hanging out with a blue Canadian moose...

...which Carlos apparently found pretty attractive!

Tyler and Jayden sitting in a chair next to the worlds tallest man, Robert Wadlow.

Jay standing next to Mr. Wadlow while Drew hangs out in the big chair.

A look down the street with the American Falls in the background.

The entrance to the Hard Rock Cafe.

Jay hanging out with a Hershey Kiss inside of the Hershey store.

Jay checking out the waterfall while Samantha gives the Kiss a high five.

Sam posing for a picture with the Hershey Kiss.

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