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July 19th, 2015              

    Here are some more pictures of our time touring the Clifton Hills area of Niagara Falls...

Sights from Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Drew high-fiving the Hershey Kiss while Jayden looks on.

Drew posing for a picture with the Kiss.

Drew holding up a gigantic 5lb Hershey bar!

The Coca-Cola sign outside the entrance to the Coke store.

The Hershey sign outside the entrance to - you guessed it - the Hershey store.

A look down the street past the Hershey store to the Planet Hollywood sign.

Jayden and Drew posing as historical figures along the street.

Drew, Samantha, and Jay getting another picture.

Jay found herself locked up in the pillory!

    While wandering the streets we decided to allow the kids to tour one of the attractions. We opted to go through the Ripley's Believe It or Not! Museum, which Tara & I had visited many moons ago during our first trip to the falls together. The kids seemed to have a good time, as evidenced by these photos.

Ripley's Believe It or Not! Museum

This Statue of Liberty was made entirely out of matchsticks!

Drew sitting in a giant chair.

Samantha taking her turn in the giant chair...

...followed by Jayden...

...and Tyler...

...and finally Carlos!

Drew found this pillory to be extremely uncomfortable around his neck (which was probably the point!).

Sam couldn't even turn her head up enough to pose for a picture!

Tyler hanging out with the worlds fattest man!

A bunch of freaky looking facial abnormalities.

A statue of Ralph Wadlow, at 8'-11 1/2" the tallest man to ever live.

Please click here for page three of the photos


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