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May 24th, 2018            

With the graduation ceremony and the Oath of Commitment complete, we were free to make our way onto the parade grounds to tap Tyler out. It took us some time to fight the crowd out of the bleachers, so Tyler was tired of standing at attention until our arrival, but he was as thankful to see us as we were to see him.


Graduation Tap Out

Tyler waiting to be tapped out following the graduation ceremony.

Rose and Tyler posing for a picture together.

Rodney, Tyler, and Tara.

Another shot of Rod, Tyler, and Tara.

Grandpa Jerry, Tyler, and Grandma Gail.

Another shot of Rose and Tyler.

Jayden, Rodney, Tyler, Tara, Drew, and Samantha together.

Another family photo.


Below are a couple photos I took as we made the trek from the parade grounds to the parking lot...


Misc. Lackland Air Force Base Photos

Tyler hugging Grandma Terry (she didn't come out to the parade grounds, as she escorted Great-Grandma Parrott and Steven back to the car).

Tyler and Grandma Terry talking.

Following the graduation ceremony we were given a brief opportunity to tour Tyler's home for the past 8 weeks. Below are my pictures from inside his dorm...


Flight 406 Squadron Open House

Tyler's flight logo painted on the wall.

Tyler's contribution to the wall (there is a story behind the saying, but I don't recall what it was).

Tyler got the bottom bunk. He isn't allowed to sit on it, and neither were we.

Tyler showing us his locker where all his belongings are.

Tyler showing us more of his stuff.

A look down the center of the dorm.

Looking into the restrooms...

...and the showers.

The Airman's Creed hanging on the wall of the dorm.

The ranks of U.S. Military Enlisted...

...and Officers.

Today was the first day that Tyler had town leave. He was feeling pretty tired, and just wanted to spend the day laying low. We ended up hanging out at the hotel and cooking out, and spending the rest of the day relaxing. Below are some pictures from our cookout...

A quick note... the "affordable" hotels near the base are pretty disgusting. Our originally booked room had a backroom with mold all over it, not to mention a rather disgusting odor. We found the hotel where we stayed, and it was better, but far from what I would call great.


Afternoon Hotel Cookout

Four generations - Great-Grandma Parrott, Grandma Terry, Rodney, and Tyler.

Another shot of all four generations.

A view from further away.

A close-up of Great-Grandma Parrott, Grandma Terry, Rod, and Tyler.

Great-Grandma Parrott and Tyler.

Grandma Terry, Tyler, and Grandpa Gary.

Another look at Tyler and his Grandparents.

Tara and Grandma Gail cooking hotdogs while...

...Tyler makes a MRE as Rose looks on.

Steve and Drew in the hotel swimming pool.

Jayden in the pool.

Jay giving a silly pose in the pool.

Drew and Steve screwing off.

A bird in the tree near where we were cooking.

Drew, Steve, Tyler, and Grandma Gail fixing their plates.

Jay showing off her selfie skills with my camera.


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