Tahquamenon Falls

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June 30th, 2018              

This morning Samantha, Jayden, Marissa, Uncle Steve, and I made the drive up to Paradise to take some senior pictures of Sam in the falls. You can find those pictures by clicking here. I didn't just take pictures of Sam, however, so I thought that I should share some of the other pictures as well. Below are a couple of pictures that I took in Mackinaw City...


Mackinaw City

A look at the Mackinac Bridge through the fog.

The waves crashing into the rocks on this breezy day.

Another look at the Mackinac Bridge as it disappears into the fog.

After crossing the Mackinac Bridge we made a quick stop at the Bridgeview Park to take some more pictures. Here are a few more for your enjoyment...


St. Ignace

Jayden got her hands on my camera and took this picture of Uncle Steve.

Another picture of Steve.

Jayden posing for a picture on the rocks with the Mackinac Bridge in the background.

The Mackinac Bridge as seen in the fog.

We've been to the Lower Tahquamenon Falls several times, but this was the first time that we took a boat across to the island. The last time we went to the falls, the water was flowing so fast that we were unable to wade out into the falls. After driving all this way to take Samantha's senior pictures, we weren't about to have that happen to us this time. We went ahead and rented the boat, then rowed across to the island in the middle of the river. We headed to the falls on the south side of the island, where we had never been before, to start taking Sam's pictures. We then walked across the north-western tip of the island to explore the northern falls. Below are some of the pictures from this excursion...


Tahquamenon Falls

"Take Nothing But Pictures. Leave Nothing But Footprints."

The sign seen upon entering the park.

A look at the falls on the southern side of the island from the mainland.

Looking across to the island at the boat landing area.

Jayden, Marissa, Samantha, and Uncle Steve walking on the trails to the falls.

People in the river exploring the falls.

Another look at the falls on the southern side of the island.

Jay posing for a picture on top of one of the falls.

Rodney helping Uncle Steve make his way out to the falls...

...and doing his best to keep him upright.

Steve was pretty happy to be standing this close to a waterfall.

Another look at Steve in the waterfall.

Jayden and Steve standing right in the water.

Jay and Steve posing for a picture.

Another look at Jay and Steve as the pose for pictures.

A closer look at Jay and Steve as they pose.

One more look at Steve.

You have to be careful walking around the river, as occasionally you may fall into a hole like the one in this photo.

Rodney and Samantha helping Uncle Steve walk along the trail barefoot. His feet did not take kindly to the rocks on the trail.

A look up the river.

Marissa and Jay making their way across the river.

Another shot of Marissa and Jay.

Steve posing for a photo on the trails.

Jay in the river once again.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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