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June 30th, 2018              

Here are some more pictures from our time at Tahquamenon Falls...


Tahquamenon Falls

Uncle Steve in the river.

Marissa and Jayden atop a fall.

Jay standing on another fall.

Samantha and Marissa posing for a picture.

Rodney and Uncle Steve making their way through river towards a fall.

Steve standing in another waterfall.

A look at the crowds playing in the falls.

Uncle Steve standing in the river near a tree.

If you look closely, there are plenty of little fish swimming around your feet as you walk.

Uncle Steve sitting atop a waterfall.

A closer look at Uncle Steve the Buddah.

Jay sitting in a waterfall.

Jay in the waterfall with Uncle Steve sitting at the top.

Jay and Uncle Steve together.

Jay making her way across a flat rock formation.

A sign seen on the island near the boat landing spot.


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