December 30th

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December 30th, 2021              

Jayden and I headed back to the Suntide Island Beach Club on Lido Key this afternoon to meet up with Grandpa Gary & Grandma Terry while Tara, Samantha, and Drew all stayed home to work. We spent some time on the beach, and hoped to catch the sunset, but it was so overcast that the sun couldn't even be seen through the clouds. Either way, please enjoy today's photos!


Beach Fun - Suntide Island Beach Club

A sailboat on the horizon.

The waves were definitely rolling in harder than they were on the 26th when we were here.

Another sailboat photo.

Welcoming in 2022!

A couple more shots of the sailboat on the horizon...


A gull on the beach.

Go Blue!

Go Blue getting wiped out by Georgia in the College Football Playoffs...

A picture of the waves rolling in.

Jay messing around in the water.

A few more photos from the beach...


Jayden made a foot angel with a halo on top!

Jay running down the beach... take pictures of this "sandman" someone made on the beach.

A few more pictures from the beach...


Jay giving up thumbs up from the shore.

A brown pelican flying above the Gulf of Mexico...


A view to the north from the condo.

Jay walking in from the water.

A couple of sandpipers on the beach.

Jay standing in a hole that someone dug on the shore.

A picture of the sky...

...and one of Jay jumping up into the photo!

I took a panoramic picture of the beach shortly after arrival...


Beach Fun - Suntide Island Beach Club Panoramic Picture

Looking out at the Gulf of Mexico from Lido Key beach.


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