
Home Up RVHS Sharks Soccer Tampa Dynamo FC Kaitlyn's Birthday Party College Tours RVHS Homecoming Dance Senior Photos RVHS Powderpuff Jayden's 18th Birthday


Welcome to Jayden's events home page. This is where you will be able to find all of the information about the school and sporting events that Jay participates in during the 2024 calendar year. Enjoy!
  • RVHS Sharks Soccer - Here is where you can find information about Jayden's time with the Riverview Sharks Varsity soccer team.
  • Tampa Dynamo FC - Go here for the information about Jayden's time with the Tampa Dynamo FC recreation soccer club.
  • Kaitlyn's Birthday Party - Follow this link for for pictures from Jayden's preparation for her friend Kaitlyn's birthday party on February 17th.
  • College Tours - Click here to see the various campuses we toured while Jayden tried to determine her university of choice.
  • RVHS Homecoming Dance - Follow this link for Jayden's pictures from the Riverview High School Homecoming Dance on October 26th.
  • Senior Photos - Go here for a few of Jayden's senior pictures that we were allowed to take at Cady studios on October 27th.
  • RVHS Powderpuff - Here is where you can find information about Jayden's Riverview High School Powderpuff football game on November 20th.
  • Jayden's 18th Birthday - This link will take you to pictures of Jayden's 18th birthday party at home on December 7th.


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