September 6th

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    We woke up early to day with plans to go to Sault Ste. Marie to see the locks and to also go to see the Tahquamenon Falls. We stopped at a rest area on our way up, and I took this photo of a historical marker that describes the history of Sault Ste. Marie.

Historical Marker

The Sault Ste. Marie historical marker. Sault de Ste. Marie translates to "rapids of Ste. Mary".

    Once we found out that there would be no freighters coming through the locks until later in the evening, we decided to head to the Tahquamenon Falls area first. Since we arrived at noon, we opted to have our lunch before seeing the falls. Here are a couple of pictures of our lunch spot...

Lunch at Tahquamenon Falls

Grandpa Gary, Grandma Terry, Samantha, Jayden, Tyler, Jayden, and Tara settling in for our picnic lunch.

The building in the background is a restaurant/gift shop. It looked nice, but we didn't go inside to check the menu or do any shopping.

    After eating lunch we walked to the Upper Tahquamenon Falls. Here are several photos from our walk.

Upper Tahquamenon Falls

The falls as seen from the walking trail.

Another view of the falls from the walking trail.

A higher look at the falls, also from the walking trail.

A look at the falls from the observation deck.

Tara, Jayden, Tyler, Samantha, Drew, and Rodney standing on the observation deck near the falls.

A look down the Tahquamenon River from the upper falls.

Another view of the falls.

Another look down the river.

A lot of money has been thrown into the river through the years.

Sam, Drew, Tyler, and Jay (held by Grandma Terry) adding to the money collection on the river bottom.

Some cool tree roots growing along the trail.

Another look at the tree roots.

We called this the camel tree, with the neck on the left and the hump in the middle.

Another look at the upper falls, from another observation area.

A closer look at the falls, from the same location as the previous picture.

One more picture of the falls, with the forest in the background.

Sam, Tyler, Drew, and Jay posing with a moose head at the entrance of the trails to the falls.

Another picture of the kids with the moose head.

Please click here for page two of the photos


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